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Stay up to date

on Walnut Street's response to COVID-19

Hey Walnut Street family!


We are so excited to share some news with you today. Last night, our deacons voted to offer a new on-campus option for Sunday worship! Starting on June 28th you will be able to join us in the sanctuary at 11:00 am for worship.

A few things we ask of you during this time:

  • Please RSVP starting June 22nd.

  • Please wear a mask while you are on campus.

  • Remain socially distant.

  • Know your risk. This virus has not changed, so please inform yourself of the risks associated with public gatherings. Be mindful if you are in a vulnerable population.


Also, we will offer childcare during the service for children entering Pre-K and younger starting July 5th. We will not be having Sunday school or kids classes at this time, so make sure you keep meeting with your Zoom class!


Because we are a multigenerational church, we want you to know that all of our other gathering options will still be available. We will continue to livestream Sunday services to Facebook and our website along with the online lobby. We will also continue to gather in the parking lot on Wednesdays at 6:00 pm. 


Let us come before God humbly seeking His presence and asking for His provision. Let us learn the things He has been teaching us through this time.


We can't wait to see you again!

Hey, church family! We've got another update for you today.

We encourage you to watch the whole video at the link above.


Main points:

  • Our deacons met on Sunday night and again on Wednesday night to discuss when we will be able to meet on our campus again. The decision of last night's meeting was to continue as we are (livestream on Sundays, Wednesdays in the parking lot, and Zoom Bible Studies) for the time being.

  • There will be another meeting on June 14th to re-evaluate this decision.


Three things you can do *right now*:

  1. Pray. Pray for your church, your staff, your pastor, your neighbors, other churches in the community. As often as you think about it, pray about it.

  2. Grow. Now is the time to grow in your relationship with God. As you go about your day, ask yourself, "How can I, today, in this situation, minister to the people around me?"

  3. Connect. We know that so much of this is new. But one amazing thing about Zoom classes is that we are virtually unlimited in the people we are able to fellowship with. You now have the opportunity to invite people who would've never considered coming to church to be part of your class from their own homes! If you aren't connected to a Bible study, send us a message.


"Behold, how good and how pleasant it is

For brothers to dwell together in unity!"

Psalm 133:1


Walnut Street Baptist Church Family,


You and I have heard from many people and agencies regarding reopening across the country and your church is no different. Based on our current reality from guidelines of the CDC, Arkansas Department of Health, the insight of Dr. Shane Speights and other medical professionals the decision has been made to postpone in-person worship until a future date to be determined. Each of us has our own ideas pertaining to the pandemic but our personal views must yield to the health advice and recommendations when we look to open our worship services again as we will be dealing with vulnerable individuals and potential transmission of the virus to the community at large that could have significant adverse impacts for us and the greater community.

We believe most members' expectations would be to return to a pre-pandemic worship experience, but unfortunately that is not advisable at this time but would rather look like the following:


  1. Vulnerable population (anyone over the age of 65 or have underlying health conditions including high blood pressure, chronic lung disease, diabetes, severe obesity, asthma or immunocompromising conditions because they are at higher risk for severe illness is infected by COVID-19) refrain from attending.

  2. Registering for services with a limit of 50 people/venue.

  3. Entering and exiting in an orderly fashion in order to best manage social distancing.

  4. Socially distanced 6 feet apart by family units upon entering campus and maintain such social distance while on premises.

  5. No fellowshipping on church property.

  6. Masks worn from the moment you exit your car until you re-enter your car.

  7. No singing (Mask worn at all times).

  8. Limited use of restrooms.

  9. No childcare or youth classes.

  10. The church is a reportable agency so if someone tests positive we will be required to contact the Arkansas Department of Health who will initiate contact tracing for all persons present at the same time.


In summary, given all of these restrictions, it is time, man-power, and safety restrictive. As a result, we feel that this is also not the true picture of worship nor is it in the best interest of our membership or community from a health and safety perspective.


We will continue to evaluate our situation locally following the wisdom and guidance of Almighty God, federal, state and local agencies, and medical professionals as we move forward.


God's church is continuing to advance and He is doing great work in and through you right now! More people, every week join a Sunday School class via zoom, meals are being delivered to our most vulnerable, masks are being made for our healthcare workers, signs are going up all over town of encouragement to each other. The fact of the matter is you are being the church!! You have stepped up to the challenge and met it head-on and I am so proud of you. Keep up the incredible work. Get connected to a class. Let us know how we can be praying for you.


We WILL meet again in the building and we WILL rejoice and worship as we have before!!

We love y'all! Go get 'em!!

Grey Falanga



If you have any questions regarding our move forward feel free to send an email to or text to 901-602-2027 and we will do our best to answer those during our livestream on Tuesday , May 12th at 4pm.

Hello again, church family,


It's Monday, March 16, 2020, and we've got another video update for you. I again encourage you to watch that in its entirety above.


To summarize a few main points:

We will continue to livestream on Sundays at 11am for the time being. You can watch that on our Facebook page and at We know there are still a few bugs to work out, and we ask that you be patient with us as we figure those things out. We're figuring this out together, y'all.

There will also be no Midweek or any other on-campus events this week. Please be mindful of the guidelines that are set forth by the CDC and other government bodies. Let's be selfless in how we handle these things.​


We want you to remember 3 things in this uncertain time:

  1. Be the church. Continue to stay in contact with your Sunday School teachers and with church staff to let us know how we can serve you. Also be mindful of the needs of your neighbors and others around you so that we can show Christ's love in this situation.

  2. Get serious. It is times like this where it is crucial that we take our walk with God seriously. Walk diligently with Him and continue reading His word. Take this time to walk seriously with God and allow Him to show you what He has for you and how He wants you to be the church.

  3. Remember that finances are still very important. Continue to give in the midst of uncertainty. Our hearts are tied closely to our finances. Allow your treasure to be in God's Kingdom so that your heart may follow. You can make an online gift here.


I'm excited about the incredible things God will be able to do in this time. This isn't the time to get down, this is a time to get up and to be in the midst of God's word and the advancement of His kingdom. Let's watch what He does when we come together.

We love y'all

Grey Falanga

Please watch for a special message from Grey and the rest of our church staff.

Hey, Church Family,

We are currently at our annual planning meeting, but we wanted to keep you up to date on what's going on in the life of Walnut Street. I encourage you to watch the entire video message above.

To reiterate a few of those points:

  • Following the guidance of recommendations issued by the CDC, medical professionals, and our state officials, we feel it is more prudent in this time to move online for the time being.

  • We again point you to the guidelines set forth by the CDC for your care and vigilance during this time.

  • We hope that you will join us for live online services via our Facebook page and

  • You can continue to stay up to date via this page, email, and our social media pages.

Remember, Church Family, that throughout history God's church has been pushed to different points due to many extenuating circumstances and in those times has advanced God's Kingdom mightily! Be prudent, be wise, hold to gathering guidelines from the CDC, but be the church. 

  • Be the church by praying. Pray for your neighbors, your family, your church family and for God's Kingdom.

  • Be the church by continuing to give, not only of your finances but of yourselves. Remember that you are able to give via the app, our giving page, and through the mail. 

Please continue to update us on how you are, how we can pray for, and serve you during this time and walk closely with God!


We love y'all

Grey Falanga

Church Family,


It seems that we are being inundated with health updates, so we wanted to take a moment to address you directly. We will continue to have services as normally scheduled as long as is medically prudent. We wanted to let you know that we are holding to the CDC's recommendations about larger group meetings. If you would like to know more about those, you can visit A few suggestions for while you are here: keep to elbow bumps and warm smiles, and cough and sneeze into your elbow. Hand sanitizer is present all around the building and, even better, there is soap in the bathrooms. Let me also recommend a good sing-through of Oh Praise the Name or Amazing Grace.




Here are a few specific actions we have taken:

  1. As mentioned, hand sanitizer and soap is well-stocked throughout the building.

  2. We have purchased a new anti-bacterial cleaner that is approved to kill the Coronavirus as well as all common viruses.

  3. We are wiping all contact surfaces with disposable wipes of the new disinfectant/cleaner.


We will continue to monitor recommendations from the CDC and other state and federal agencies, and take appropriate action in light of those recommendations. Specifically, we will follow the lead of the Jonesboro Public School district in deciding whether or not to cancel services, as we do in the case of inclement weather. We are also working on contingent plans should they be needed in the future. As we spoke about last week, and as God reiterates multiple times throughout His word, do not forsake meeting together. No church or follower of Jesus can flourish alone.


Remember this: God is, has, and will always be in control. There is no doctor, disease, or diagnosis that sets your life, but rather, God Alone does that. Rest assured in His hand and counsel. Walk with Him and let the peace of God which passes all understanding guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.


If you are sick please let us know so we can both lift you up in prayer as well as care for you however possible.


We will continue to keep you updated via email, our social media pages, and this web page.


We love y'all,

Grey Falanga

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