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Loveland, Colorado

We are excited for how God has called Walnut Street to partner with church planters to share the Gospel in Colorado.




        Through the years, God has been growing a heart for church-planting. Through scripture, mentors, prayer and study, God eventually led our family to Colorado. The burden for Colorado started with information, as we discovered it is an incredibly lost state. Many in the Denver and Northern Colorado areas consider Colorado a “Pre-Christian” state...meaning the Gospel has never had a strong presence in the state. This is changing, and we praise God for it. Our desire is to plant a multiplying church in partnership with Colorado Baptists, NAMB, and the SBC to see a culture changed by the Gospel.

As we studied the area and visited, we fell in love with Loveland, Colorado. You will see in the following pages the great need in Loveland. Our prayer is that you will partner with us to impact Loveland and beyond for God’s Kingdom. Our society needs strong, Bible believing and Kingdom-minded churches to multiply and push back the darkness. It will be difficult, but God is sufficient for the task. If we cling to Him, I have full confidence we will see this church planted and thriving.



       We have a heart for building community and supporting entrepreneurial and artistic nnnnnnnnnn

endeavors which we believe we will have in common with many young families in the area.

We want people to know that true fulfillment and joy come from Christ alone and we look forward to loving and serving neighbors in Loveland, Colorado!



         After praying through the story of Gideon in Judges, Romans 10:14-15, John 10:16, and nseekingnnn

seeking the Lord’s will for our family, God has affirmed that our “next right step” is to follow His call on our lives for church planting.

We are excited to be planting alongside the Elliff family as they seek the lost in Loveland, Colorado. Our prayer is that God will use us to make an impact for His kingdom and that He will be glorified.


"Gateway to the Rockies"

3x the national teen suicide rate

At least


are lost.

(No relationship with Jesus Christ)

With the surrounding areas equally lost and growing just as quickly, our desire is to multiply and plant more churches as we grow. Multiplication will be part of our DNA from the beginning.

Fast Growing Area

Population: 81,000 (and growing)

High draw for young families

New communities being built

1 Evangelical church
for every
32,000 people.

1 marijuana dispensary for every 2,096 people.
1 brewery for every 7,666 people.


To follow God, lovingly engage people with the gospel, and build multiplying communities for Christ.

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God's leadership through a high dependence on His Word and prayer.

2 Tim 3:16-17, Rom 12:1-2


Biblical reality and transparency with each other in a watching world.

Gal 6:1-5, James 5:16, Prov 27:12


People aggressively with the supernatural love of God.

Matt 22:37-40, Rom 12:9-21,
Eph 5:1-2


Those far from God with the Gospel. 

Mark 16:15-16, Luke 10:2,
Rom 1:16-17, 1 Peter 3:15


God's kingdom through discipleship, church planting, and partnerships.

Acts 9:31, Matt 28:18-20, 2 Tim



  • God to prepare the ground for the Gospel work.

  • God to continue to raise up others to come with us.

  • God to protect our families and see us through spiritual opposition.

  • God to continue to provide for the church in ways only He can.

  • God to prepare people of peace for us in Loveland.

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