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Serving the world
with a missional mindset

Opportunities include: Sunday school teachers, Children's counter, AWANA, Kids' worship, extended care, Wednesday night helpers.
Most needed:
Preschool: Extended Care Nursery and Preschool Volunteers on Sundays from 10:50am-12:00pm
Children's: AWANA Sparks table leaders (Sunday Nights) and Wednesday night activity helpers

Most needed:
Parking lot volunteers, Baristas, Door Greeters from 10:50am-12:00pm
Opportunities include: Photographers, videographers, social media, broadcast camera operator, writer, graphic designer, filmmaker
Most needed:
Event photographers

Opportunities include: Sunday School Leaders, Special event volunteers, Discipleship leaders, Connection point volunteers
Most needed:
Small Group and Connection Point Leaders
Opportunities include: Greeters, Sunday School Teachers, Wednesday night volunteers, Tech & A/V
Most needed:
Connection point leaders on Wednesday nights

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